Mt. Timpanogos is the iconic peak range most notable just east of the Provo section of I-15. It is part of "the Wasatch" range that lines the interstate from Ogden down to Spanish Fork and beyond. I recently decided to summit Timp after oogling it for over 3 years now. I have viewed and photographed it from all aspects imaginable including a couple of fly overs with the help of Delta airlines. Here is what I saw on my 15 mile loop 4800+ ft ascent to the summit (11,749 ft) of Mt. Timpanogos.
I chose the Aspen Grove trailhead instead of the Timpanooke trailhead as I hiked the latter last summer to Emerald Lake. You start out with a few of these cascades heading up Primrose Cirque.
Mid-way up the Cirque you start to see the Cascade Cirque nose which is where Emerald Lake sits at the base of.
You can't miss the "Jangus" shack as you pass Emerald lake, this is also the preferred lunch spot for most. The wild flowers really turn on just before reaching this area and hold on pretty steady until you head west to the saddle.
The summit shack is now only 1300+-ft higher then Emerald Lake, which means your over 70% of the way there! I am jumping ahead here just to give you the other perspective looking down 1300+- ft to emerald Lake.
Now you know I summit-ed, but it's just getting good.
As you make your way up to the saddle at an even 11,000 ft you'll notice that the flowers are saying good bye.

This is another point at which some hikers decide to have lunch, turn around or just rest for a while but it is the first time you see the Provo valley below.
I would bet millions have seen Timp from the valley floor below as they drive I-15 north and south, but this is the tipping point if you want to Summit.
Less then a mile from the summit this is where the trail gets real technical. This 78 year old gentleman (white hat) just made the summit, so it's time to put your big pants on and get up there!
Not quite there but another great perspective of the trail, saddle and valley floor now thousands of feet below you.
I gave up on heavy leather hiking boots years ago and would not do another 14er, 13er or big summit without my These are the ultimate in traction, weight, performance and stability. Try running a 100 miler in your old leather hiking boots!
The last schlog is less then a mile from the saddle but it tends to get pretty breezy at times, so be prepared and have a wind/rain shell.
I guess some "artists" just have to let others know they made it too. I believe that is what the register is for?
The clouds were moving in at a rapid pace but I had to show the view looking east towards Deer Creek reservoir and the snow field that I decided to ascend through on my return trip.
Deciding at the last moment, I chose to take the south route along this ridge line down through the snow field and back to Emerald Lake. That is Spanish Fork on the upper right side.
Just past Emerald lake you get back into the "flowers for ever" zone and into your final descent to where this all started. This is pretty much a whole day off excursion and shouldn't be missed if you love long, scenic, strenuous hikes! Bring plenty of water, photograph along the way and don't miss the gym one second.