These days anybody can hold out their camy in their right hand and point it back home. It's a novel documentary tool but not very inspiring to a veteran shooter. I will never claim to be the most creative photographer that ever walked but I am the only one that looks, feels, talks and sees at my particular location like me. Your p.o.v. (point of view) is yours so be expressive. I often incorporate drama from a unique perspective in my self-portraits with the plan of selling these in the commercial market down the road. Nothing like getting paid to shoot yourself!

There are certainly times when I use a tripod and pose for the shot like the waterfall photo and then there's the monopod versions that give more of a "been there wish I could do that appearance". There are times I just want to goof off for the camera like the self looking at self doing a handstand photo. A little bit of Photoshop necessary for a stunt like that. Team Corey is another example of fun lifestyle self portraiture. Don't be afraid to place yourself in multiple areas of the image.

Sometimes a tripod just won't do, and I have found the need to fabricate a mount for my camera in order to capture action shots like the skiing and biking self portraits. PW's (pocket wizards) are my mainstay for triggering most of my images these days. Sure there are other triggering devices but these are the pro standards and work flawlessly from up to 1600 feet away. Even your standard self-timer mode on your camera can be a viable solution to self-portraits. So don't be shy and don't forget to shoot yourself the next time you go on a photo safari.

Holy! I love the first one! Is that you jumping to the right? That's pretty wild! I hope you wore elbow pads. =)